3.0 - Create Discovery Collection (& Evaluate Performance)

Simple example which will:

  1. Create a Discovery Cluster
  2. Create an environment & new document collection
  3. Upload documents into that collection (from the same file that we used earlier for Solr)
  4. Evaluate the performance of the base retrieval (similar to 2.0 - Evaluate RnR Performance)

To learn more about the data used in the experiment, see here: https://github.ibm.com/rchakravarti/rnr-debugging-scripts/tree/master/resources/insurance_lib_v2

Note: Ensure credentials have been updated in config/config.ini

1. Import the necessary scripts and data

In [1]:
import sys
from os import path, getcwd
import json
from tempfile import mkdtemp
import glob

sys.path.extend([path.abspath(path.join(getcwd(), path.pardir))])

from rnr_debug_helpers.utils.discovery_wrappers import DiscoveryProxy
from rnr_debug_helpers.utils.io_helpers import load_config, smart_file_open, \
    RankerRelevanceFileQueryStream, initialize_query_stream, insert_modifier_in_filename, PredictionReader
from rnr_debug_helpers.create_cross_validation_splits import split_file_into_train_and_test
from rnr_debug_helpers.compute_ranking_stats import compute_performance_stats

config_file_path = path.abspath(path.join(getcwd(), path.pardir, 'config', 'config.ini'))
print('Using config from {}'.format(config_file_path))

config = load_config(config_file_path=config_file_path)

insurance_lib_data_dir = path.abspath(path.join(getcwd(), path.pardir, 'resources', 'insurance_lib_v2'))
print('Using data from {}'.format(insurance_lib_data_dir))

Using config from /stuff/workspace/rnr-debugging-scripts/config/config.ini
Using data from /stuff/workspace/rnr-debugging-scripts/resources/insurance_lib_v2

2. Create a New Document Collection

In [2]:
# Either re-use an existing collection id by over riding the below, or leave as is to create one
collection_id = '96b27926-7d48-47dc-a0fd-2f7333e3d6e4'

discovery = DiscoveryProxy(config)

collection_id = discovery.setup_collection(collection_id=collection_id,

Upload documents

We use the same InsuranceLibV2 corpus file that had been pre-processed and formatted into the Solr format for adding documents. Discovery essentially expects the document in a json format consisting of {field name 1:field value 1...}. So we iterate over the docs in the Solr format XML file and upload the file iteratively.

Since Discovery doesn't (yet) have bulk upload, we speed up the uploads via multi-processing to speed it up. This seems to misbehave in a python notebook, so run the actual upload in a regular python script.

In [3]:
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET

def _parse_doc_elements(element):
    Parses a single document element from the Solr format xml element into a format Discovery can understand
    :param element:
    doc_id, body = None, None
    for field in element.findall("field"):
        if field.attrib['name'] == 'id':
            doc_id = field.text
        elif field.attrib['name'] == 'body':
            body = field.text
    if doc_id is None or body is None:
        raise ValueError('Unable to parse id and body from xml entry: %s' % element)
    return doc_id, {'body': body}

def document_corpus_as_iterable(corpus):
    stats = defaultdict(int)
    with smart_file_open(corpus) as infile:
        for event, element in ET.iterparse(infile):
            if event == 'end' and element.tag == 'doc':
                stats['num_xml_entries'] += 1
                yield _parse_doc_elements(element)

# This thing seems to misbehave when run from python notebooks due to its use of multiprocessing, so just run in a script
#     discovery.upload_documents(collection_id=collection_id,
#                                corpus=document_corpus_as_iterable(
#                                    path.join(insurance_lib_data_dir, 'document_corpus.solr.xml')))


    "collection_id": "96b27926-7d48-47dc-a0fd-2f7333e3d6e4",
    "configuration_id": "889a08c9-cad9-4287-a87d-2f0380363bff",
    "created": "2017-05-19T01:50:05.372Z",
    "description": "TestCollection",
    "document_counts": {
        "available": 27413,
        "failed": 0,
        "processing": 0
    "language": "en",
    "name": "TestCollection-InsLibV2",
    "status": "active",
    "training_status": {
        "available": false,
        "data_updated": "",
        "minimum_examples_added": false,
        "minimum_queries_added": false,
        "notices": 0,
        "processing": false,
        "successfully_trained": "",
        "sufficient_label_diversity": false,
        "total_examples": 0
    "updated": "2017-05-19T01:50:05.372Z"

3. Evaluate performance of base Discovery (natural_language_query)

First we generate a train and test split so that we can compare with the performance of Discovery after we add training data.

Note: Since we do not have control over training the same way we did with RetrieveAndRank, it is difficult to use the cross-validation splits for evaluation as we did in 2.0 - Evaluate RnR Performance. Instead, as soon as training data is uploaded to the service, it gets consumed by Discovery (with some latency).

In [3]:
experimental_directory = mkdtemp()

with smart_file_open(path.join(insurance_lib_data_dir, 'validation_gt_relevance_file.csv')) as infile:
    split_file_into_train_and_test(initialize_query_stream(infile, file_format='relevance_file'),
                                experimental_directory, train_percentage=0.80)

print('\nCreated train and validation splits in directory: {}'.format(experimental_directory))
for filename in glob.glob('{}/*.csv'.format(experimental_directory), recursive=True):

2017-05-24 20:13:24,716 INFO create_cross_validation_splits.py - Creating train split with 1600 queries (80.0 %) and test split with 400 queries
2017-05-24 20:13:24,718 WARNING create_cross_validation_splits.py - Path <</tmp/tmpf_8p0nih>> already exists, files may be overwritten
2017-05-24 20:13:24,764 INFO create_cross_validation_splits.py - Wrote 1600 train instances and 400 test instances to <</tmp/tmpf_8p0nih>>

Created train and validation splits in directory: /tmp/tmpf_8p0nih

Now we generate predictions for each fold and evaluate the performance

In [7]:
ndcg_evaluated_at = 50

test_set = path.join(experimental_directory, 'validation.relevance_file.csv')
prediction_file = insert_modifier_in_filename(test_set,'discovery_predictions','txt')
with smart_file_open(test_set) as infile:
    # generate predictions
    labelled_test_questions = RankerRelevanceFileQueryStream(infile)
        test_questions=labelled_test_questions, num_rows=rows,
        prediction_file_location=prediction_file, collection_id=collection_id), sys.stdout, sort_keys=True, indent=4)

    # score them
    with smart_file_open(prediction_file) as preds_file:
        prediction_reader = PredictionReader(preds_file)
        stats, _ = compute_performance_stats(prediction_reader=prediction_reader,
print('\nTest Performance')
json.dump(stats, sys.stdout, sort_keys=True, indent=4)

2017-05-19 01:16:03,890 INFO DiscoveryProxy - Sending runtime requests from <<LabelledQueryStream(fh: <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/tmpgv6lypfw/validation.relevance_file.csv' mode='r' encoding='utf-8'>)>> to collection: <<96b27926-7d48-47dc-a0fd-2f7333e3d6e4>> (predictions will be written to: <</tmp/tmpgv6lypfw/validation.relevance_file.discovery_predictions.txt>>)
2017-05-19 01:21:10,722 INFO DiscoveryProxy - Completed getting runtime predictions for 400 questions
    "num_questions": 400.0,
    "num_results_returned": 40000.0
}2017-05-19 01:21:10,727 INFO Computing Accuracy - first lookup ground truth, then iterate over prediction file
2017-05-19 01:21:10,755 INFO Computing Accuracy - Done reading in ground truth
    "num_instances": 662,
    "num_possible_correct": 662,
    "num_questions": 400
Test Performance
    "average_precision_50_truncated": 0.17131198693595093,
    "ndcg@50": 0.2561891147863539,
    "num_instances": 40309,
    "num_queries_predicted": 400,
    "num_queries_skipped_in_preds_file": 0,
    "num_questions": 400,
    "top-1-accuracy": 0.125

4. Evaluate performance of Discovery (natural_language_query) after uploading training data